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The best fruits selected independently of the season of the year. We look for the best suppliers in different countries to always offer the best offer of fruits to our clients.

• Banana
• Pineapple

• Mango

• Lemon

• Papaya

• Pitaya

• Avocado

• Watermelon

• Blueberries
• Hass Avocado



Strengthens the immune system thanks to its content of vitamin A and C. It contains tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids for the balance of serotonin, which relieves stress, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. It also acts as a natural antacid. We offer Cavendish variety.


It is a fruit rich in nutrients and medicinal properties that make it a great ally for health. Combat free radicals, preventing premature aging. We offer Tahiti / Persian Lemon.

Bacia de bagas

They are rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganésium, very easy to introduce into the diet and very beneficial for health.


t is a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals and contains a starch that can help control blood glucose, manage weight, and lower blood cholesterol levels.


The fruit, sliced ​​or chunky, is consumed naturally to regulate digestion. It is advisable to do it before breakfast. It is believed to help prevent cancer and aid blood circulation. We offer Papaya Tainung.

Dragon Fruit

It is rich in Vitamin C, it also contains B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and it has a high water content and has vegetable protein and soluble fiber. We offer red and yellow pitaya.


It is a sour fruit with a characteristic sweet taste and a delicious aroma. It is juicy and very easy to eat and it is also liked by the whole family. We offer Pineapple MD2 Golden.


It contains magnesium and potassium, minerals that promote the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular system. They are of great importance for the immune system, for the health of the small intestine and to avoid the retention of liquids.


One of the best fruits to eat in summer is watermelon, which in addition to being very refreshing, contains many health properties.


It is a semi-acid fruit that is very rich in nutrients and has, like the mandarin, benefits for our health. It also contains iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9. As well as vitamin C, E, K and phosphorus. We offer Kent and Tommy variety.

Hass Avocado

It is incredibly nutritious, contains vitamin K, several types of vitamin B, folic acid, vitamin C, A and E. In addition, it also provides potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, fiber, among other nutrients.

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